
Brit / Annia (Brittney)
1 min readJan 3, 2022

Today is a Day to Remember
Every Day Is

Today I remember who I am

I will not allow people to criticize my life without my consent or permission,
however, I may be put in a situation where I am provoked emotionally.
I do have the power and ability to sustain myself and step back, to remain calm. I may be relentlessly triggered, and it is at this time I must go somewhere to be alone to process these emotions.

I wish to recognize them alone, solely, where I am protecting others from my wrath, from which any demonic trauma lie.

Within us are all these oppressed and forgotten emotions,
memories, triggered by present-day life.

Perhaps I can — and will succeed in this.

We must practice having control over our emotions so that we can pursue our dreams, with our passions, what we love, what gives our lives purpose.

It is here we find peace.



Brit / Annia (Brittney)

Born & Raised in Newfoundland Since 1992. MultiDiscipline Artist - Writer - Poet - Bard Highly Spiritual. Welcome To My Experimental Digital Journal. 💗