Andromablog — No. 1

Brit / Annia (Brittney)
1 min readNov 13, 2021

This English Language can be so limiting.
I’ve told this to my self and others many times,
yet I fear, or have feared, that it would never come across
as I have understood it, the concept, itself, to be felt.

I’ve spoken very long sentences, written them, and broken many of these so-called traditional rules of thus English Language. Such is limiting, boring, perhaps the perfect canvas for creativity. For rule-breaking is of artists, creators, destroyers, shape-shifter type individuals.

I’ve written many novels (in my head), on paper …
Each chapter is just, scattered.

I seem to have so many nightmares lately, intrusive thoughts,
yet the most contentment, even while experiencing what one may call insecurity of basic needs. Upon which hiearchy, I’ve been so abundant in so many ways, the WHOLE of which needs, and values, surely are to follow and become succinct.

Alas, the balance is to be found. So much to gain, so little left to lose, and so many conversations yet to be had. Such solitude will find your realizations within, and so with such solidarity will also be found harmonic resonance, a type of vibe-ration. A ration of vibrating energy, enough for everyone.

The hoarded energy shifting into better hands, mouths, onto better feet, for bettering lands, found again, lost and found again. To refresh, to renew, not re-pave necessarily, but it could be too.



Brit / Annia (Brittney)

Born & Raised in Newfoundland Since 1992. MultiDiscipline Artist - Writer - Poet - Bard Highly Spiritual. Welcome To My Experimental Digital Journal. 💗